Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fall Feast of Yahweh

Yom Teurah (Day of Shouting) We celebrated Yom Teurah by having a nice dinner, watching

the sun go down, and searching in the sky for the

new moon which is Yahweh's calendar.

We then went to the park and blew our shofar sounding

pvp pipes. And shouted as loud as

we could 'HalleluYah, Praise Yahweh!!'

The Festival has many meanings, the one we focused on

this year was the warning blast to search your

hearts and repent for the Kingdom of Yahweh is

at hand.

Which brought us into the next feast of Yahweh


Again as for last year our day of Atonement was
spent fasting, reading the word and study.
And again Yah blessed us with a great day!!
The girls learned that the word will prove
We explained before we fasted that there was
to be no complaining how hungry
or thirsty one was. If hunger pangs
were felt we were to read the word.
So after the fast my youngest dd told us that
her stomach was growling so she
started reading Psalms and
read up to Ps. 17. She said when
she was finished she no longer felt hungry
All of us were so surprised that we didn't suffer
with hunger pangs or thirst like we thought we would.
Truly Man does not live by bread alone but by
every word of Yahweh.
We ended our fast in prayer. And then
went out to eat.
The next fall celebration...Sukkot...

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